DC Multiverse Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom Action figures by McFarlane Toys revealed. All the info you need

 With yesterday's debut of the Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom trailer, come the toys today and McFarlane Toys is definitely jumping in on the action as they revealed a ton of figures for the movie, including Black Manta, King Kordax, Sunken Citadel Pirate and Aquaman's Sea Horse Storm, There are also statues and Target exclusives.

 We personally think that regardless of the quality of the movie, just like all other DC Projects this year, it will be an imminent flop, as people are burned out of DC's incompetent handling of their movie properties and James Gunn's arrogance. Wait for clearance and save your money.

As The Guardian said:

"Put simply then, the Lost Kingdom is a superhero movie out of time, desperately vying to keep us interested when even the men in suits have decided the game is up and punters aren’t interested any more."

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom figures can be found at:

BBTS: https://tinyurl.com/2p92jupb
Ent Earth: https://ee.toys/ISXD02
Amazon: https://amzn.to/450cITL

Stealth Aquaman with Topo (Target exclusive): https://go.magik.ly/ml/1wjzg/



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