It's that time again and thanks to our friends at BigBadToyStore we can now take a look at the Star Wars the Black Series Luke Skywalker from the Return of the Jedi!
By Chris "Hunter" Diaz
Now, if you got the SDCC 2020 version, it's exactly the same, so you can stop reading the review. You know what you have, it's over. Go watch The Crown or something.
First off, we begin with a look at the new packaging which features much more vivid colors instead of the dead red and black look we were stuck with for all those years:
of course this picture had to be off center....#FML
And here is the look at the bio in multiple annoying languages:
If you collect all the figures in this wave you can assemble this nice looking spine artwork,
but here are GEN we are openers so soon they'll go in the trash #FREETHEMTOYS!
After throwing away all that cardboard (And properly recycling it) we are left with a familiar figure:
It's almost the EXACT same one from 2014 with some minor variations. Here is the 4 point turnaround:
And these are all the accessories included: A poncho, Helmet, 2 part Lightsaber, and removable belt with no place to hang Luke's saber.
After removing the poncho and the helmet, you can clearly see how Hasbro saved a few tooling dollars for this one:
Luke's head sports a new hair piece and is decoed with the familiar "Photo real" technique, but something doesn't look right this time around. Unlike the 2019 version this one looks weird on the mouth, like it's chewing something... I don't know "Maybe I'm just going crazy" (See what I did there?)
The chest piece is the same as the 2014 version, but this time around it's made of a softer plastic and it's permanently glued on Luke's chest:
He is sporting the same "trigger finger" hand of the 2019 version, but this time it has been cast in black:
. You can even see the veins there as this hand is clearly not meant to be a gloved one. They should have just used the 2014 gloved one and be done with it::
Furthermore, even the nails were left intact (insert Facepalm emoji here...)
Luke's Saber features a removable tip, and the hilt is fully decoed, unlike the plastic one from 2014, but as mentioned before, there is no place to hang it on his belt:
You can definitely kitbash this figure with the 2014 one to get the ultimate Luke, but bear in mind that the Helmet won't fit. You will need a Hairdryer to heat the head and remove it, and the belt from the 2014 version is not removable so, some compromise has to be made:
And here is a comparison vs the S.H. Figuarts Luke, which are really two totally different leagues:
You can definitely give Japanese Luke the poncho and all the accoutrements of the Hasbro one and leave him in utter misery. But the helmet obviously, will not fit, unless you remove the hair piece and that is a lot of work I don't feel like doing:
I had forgotten how awesome is that S.H. Figuarts Luke which we also got courtesy of BBTS:
And that's it folks! if you think this Luke is what you need in your collection, By all means! It's clearly the best of both worlds and he is available for preorder (When I published this review) at
(We are given a small commission from the sales, so your patronage is appreciated!)
Thank you for checking!
-Chris "Hunter" Diaz-
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