G.I. Joe Classified Series Sgt. Slaughter action figure Preorders live

 TEN HUT MAGGOTS! The G.I.Joe Classified REAL Sergeant Slaughter  is available for preorder NOW! Get him at:
BBTS: https://bit.ly/3czrPOv
Entertainment Earth: https://bit.ly/3oobuiC

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G.I. Joe is a highly skilled, on-demand, special operations force of men and women from around the globe. These extraordinarily talented heroes are selected for their elite abilities and tasked with defending the world from Cobra, a ruthless criminal organization bent on total domination.

This Sgt Slaughter figure comes ready for action, with multiple points of articulation for high poseability and 14 character-inspired accessories including his signature drill sergeant hat, sunglasses, whistle, instructor baton, miniature carded action figure, 8 interchangeable hands, and additional weapon accessories; plus a footlocker to stow all his gear! And with custom artwork by Adam Riches highlighting his media-spanning career in the Joe universe, the G.I. Joe Classified Series Sgt Slaughter package will make a mark on shelves.
Product Features

    6 inches (15.24cm)
    Made of plastic
    Highly articulated
    Premium deco and details
    Original package artwork

Box Contents

    Sgt. Slaughter figure
    8 Interchangeable hands
    Mini figure
    Machine gun

